Web Applications
On budget, Fast and Quality Web Applications
An effective blending of innovative ideas and latest technologies to build a best solution for your business requirement
In most of the cases, client may not be sure about the technology to be used in his/her business requirements. They are fully focused on the expected output (say product) they supposed to get from an IT company like us. At Hardesen we help our client to choose the right technology for them, and proceed to build the product only when they are convinced with the methodology.
We help you to take the advantage of the internet and make it work for you. We believes that efficient web presence and web-enabled enterprise applications is the key to success for any business today.
Core development technology (PHP)
PHP is a widely used pre processor language which is capable of building dynamic websites/web applications. PHP codes are server side scripting language which is the most robust and reliable technology. Core-PHP can even handle the most complex web applications like e-commerce websites, social networking sites (LAMP STACK which is previously used by Facebook), ERPs etc. That is PHP can with stand and overcome any unfavourable and challenging situations with maximum output.
Laravel framework
Laravel is one of the best MVC framework founded by Taylor Otwe and was based on PHP5, now PHP7 that promotes clean, dry design and encourages rapid development and high security applications. MVCs (Model-View-Controller) are widely accepted for their performance (less loading time), code reusability and Fast DB access. It works to streamline application development and helps to ensure an extremely efficient, extensible, and maintainable end product. Laravel remains as the best performer among all other MVC since 2015. At Hardesen, we have experienced programmers to handle MVC projects. They can easily work out the time complexity, stick on development plan and can able to meet the project dead line.
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